


最近、弊社役員の名前を騙り、個人及び会社に対し、仕事を提供する旨のe‐メールを送信する者があります。 送信者のe‐メールのドメイン名は、[@kkyb.co.jp] 、[@kybonlinejp.com]又は[@kybcoroporation.org]ですが、 いずれも弊社のドメイン名ではありません。 弊社は、これらのe‐メールに一切関知しておらず、これらに関し一切責任を負いませんのでご注意下さい。

Be careful of a false e-mail offering a job! We have recently become aware of e-mails offering job or business opportunities sent to individuals and companies by unknown senders in an assumed name of our company officer. The senders’ e-mail addresses have the domain names such as [@kkyb.co.jp], [@kybonlinejp.com]and[@kybcoroporation.org], neither of which is ours. As those e-mails have nothing to do with us, we should not be held responsible for them. Please be careful of those types of false e-mails.